The Good Life

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

More Pics

As my time with Kealani starts to come to an end, it is hard to believe what all we've been able to do and the oodles of fun we've already had. I am so thankful that the Lord chose to bless me more than I could ever imagine by letting Kealani live with me for a short while. This makes me look all the more forward to heaven. It's greatness and God's greatness are incomprehensible. I hope she and I can make the most of our last few weeks together in our current arrangment. I will keep you pun intended.


  • At May 09, 2007 1:58 PM, Blogger Amanda said…

    so will she not be at camp?

  • At May 09, 2007 11:01 PM, Blogger kteachjoy said…

    I am going to go out of my way to try to work that out. It could be that she has to leave for a day or two in the middle, but if that's the case, I've made arrangements for someone to bring her back and forth.


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