The Good Life

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


I may not be able to figure out how to check my grades online without the help of many poor UCO employees, but I did manage (despite my disgusting illness) to procure straight A's for the semester. I am extremely proud of this accomplishment since I produced a good portion of the work for this semester with a fever of 102+. This has helped me feel better about taking 9 hrs next semester as well.

By the end of this school year, in a little less than nine months total, I will have completed 18 out of my 33 hours for my masters degree. Once that 33 hours is complete, I will take 27 more hours and two tests to be eligible to get my Licensed Professional Counseling Certificate. Once I have passed both tests I will need to complete 3,000 hrs of counseling. Upon completion of these hours, I will be an official licensed professional counselor. I hope to use my LPC in a practice within the walls of Western Village serving the most needy of that population along with their families. I can't wait to be qualified to help these families in this capacity.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

My Quiz

I just took Blakewell's quiz and scored a 50. I missed out on a 60 because I talked myself out of TSO. DRAT! I know Blake's rule about waiting to listen to Christmas music until November 1st for others, so that threw me off. I'm sure, in retrospect, that he listens to it when he's alone or around people that don't strictly adhere to the timing of holiday music!

Here's my quiz. There's a special prize for anybody who can pass...

Sunday, December 04, 2005


Well, with all of the mental and physical infirmities that my family members possess, I have always thought that I was appreciative of my health. However, over the past two weeks, I have gained an appreciation I never knew was possible. As some of you are aware, I have had pneumonia for almost two weeks now. I had no idea it was possible to feel so rotten. After running a fever of over 102 degrees for nearly a week, the aching in my body was unfathomable. "Medicine" was not able to bring my fever below 101 during that time. Also fun is coughing up chunks of bloody mucus. The good news is I'm on the upward swing! I am feeling better though I am easily wearied. When I am back to 100%, I will be on cloud nine to say the least.