The Good Life

Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Good Ol' Days

Do you remember the days in junior high school when you had a huge crush on someone and you would get butterflies every time you saw them or thought about them? I haven't felt that way in years in years until this week. I have this GINORMOUS crush on a friend of my friend and I can't stop smiling about it. I feel like a kid again. It could pan out to be something or nothing, but even if nothing ever comes of it I am so pumped to know I CAN feel that way again. I thought those years were gone for good. :)

Thursday, August 09, 2007

That's Uh-guisting!

Here are some more things from Kealani:

"I am watching the diarrhea movie (Princess Diaries 2)."
Kealani: "You look so fat, but that's not nice to say so I'm not going to say it." Me: "You just did." Kealani: "Hahaha!"
"I think _____ likes every girl in the world! I just really do."
"I love that the most in the whole life (wide) world."
"If that puppy bites me it's no big deal...I'll just chop his head off. Then I'm going to slap him. Then I'm gonna do sumpin to it if it bite me."
"Don't tell anybody I fixed my own hair."
"You canNOT dance!"
"This is my favorite part...(seven seconds pass)...this is my favorite part...(five more seconds pass)...this is my favorite part..."
"They like eachuther?...(seven seconds pass)...they like eachuther?...(five more seconds pass)...they like eachuther?..."
"EEEeeewww! I do NOT like it when people kiss!"
Me: "What do you want for breakfast?" Kealani: "Ramen noodles with hot sauce." Me: "What do you want for lunch?" Kealani: "Ramen noodles with hot sauce." Me: "What do you want for dinner?" Kealani: "Ramen noodles with hot sauce." Me: "What do you want for snack?" Kealani: "Ramen noodles with hot sauce."

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I still have my big toe

When I was a sixth grader at the great Crosby Park Elementary, I went to Padre Island on Spring Break. During my stint at the beach, I tripped over a dead crab. It hurt ever so badly, but my parents dismissed it as drama. Over the next few weeks, it became increasingly more painful. My limp got worse and worse and everyone around me thought me to be faking. Imagine them thinking that about a dramatic sixth grade girl - go figure!
Finally about five or six weeks into the pain, I peeled off the scab and squeezed my toe (I know it's gross but I was ten years old or so). To my amazement, out popped the point to a crab's pincher. I went crazy, but not as crazy as my mom. When we took the culprit to the doctor to show him he told me I was lucky I didn't lose my toe. I don't know how I would have functioned without my big toe, so I'm sure glad it was okay.
When I saw this dead crab on the beach during my recent trip to Florida, I just got a kick out of thinking about that old story. I hope you did too.
